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8:52 p.m. - Monday, May. 02, 2005
You Never Do Know

This weekend has been weirdness, & yes, today still counts because I had the day off, so it's still part of my weekend. So, I'll start off by saying, happy birthday to me. 27. Wow.

Friday night I spent saying good-bye to Jeremy at the bar at Uno's. It was great fun because alot of work people were there, but it was so sad to know I won't be seeing him at work anymore. And though I know I haven't mentioned him all that much in here, the guy is really going to be missed. He made work so much more fun in so many ways. Ahh, the glory of geekdom.

And Saturday was amazing! I went out with Jen for awhile & we ended up going to meet Matt at Dave & Buster's, only to find that her & Matt had planned a surprise party for me! It was so great to see everyone; my brother, Matt's brothers, Ed, Jeremy, Melissa, Dave, Kristin, even Anas. Sooo much fun. Jeremy was even nice enough to win me 400 tickets on a broken skee ball machine, which brought me pretty close to getting a Hello Kitty backpack in the prize shop. And then we went home & I got to play with my pretty new I-Pod Mini, in blue, my birthday gift from my sweetie. :) He knows me all too well.

Today was great. Went to Boston to the aquarium, but I think the most surprising part was getting a text message from Amanda saying she had sent me an email. I sent her a birthday card with a note last week, but hadn't actually expected her to respond. Weird things, but all good things happening. For now, anyway. I'm trying to keep hope up. Why can't I have good things once in awhile, right?

More later on what happens next. I guess you never know...

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